Although people are taught proper dietary guidelines at a young age, it is hard for some to stick to them. As a result, they may have a poor eating habit that causes constipation. Often, these individuals even need a colonoscopy to manage this problem and to help transition to a better diet.
Poor Dietary Decisions May Cause Constipation
Constipation is one of those conditions that can be hard to diagnose and very painful to tolerate. And the many possible influences can make it particularly hard to manage. Usually, a poor diet is the cause of this health issue. For example, a diet heavy in protein and low in fiber may cause a person to have very dense and hard fecal matter, which may make it much harder to move out of the body.
Even worse, a sustained poor diet often makes constipation much worse by causing the intestines to adapt to it, making it react poorly when people do try to make healthy changes. For example, a person who had little fiber may try to eat too much at once and experience a surprising level of constipation. Therefore, it is essential to take steps to ensure that this problem doesn't worsen, such as getting a colonoscopy.
How a Colonoscopy Help
A colonoscopy is a process that examines the insides of a person's intestines and bowels to gauge any issues that may have developed. For example, those with a heavy and dense bowel movement trapped in their intestines may have heavy constipation and could also suffer from other health problems. A colonoscopy can identify this problem and use various medicines to loosen the stool and make it pass.
Just as importantly, a colonoscopy can help clear out the bowels while a person transitions to a more digestion-healthy diet. Doing so will help to prepare their body for these changes, making it easier for their intestines to handle the new load of healthier foods. In this way, they'll be able to process those items faster and pass them out of their body in a way that is healthy and consistent.
And that's an important element of digestion — consistency. Those who lacked it before their colonoscopy need to maintain a healthy and steady eating habit to ensure that they don't trigger more constipation in the future. Thankfully, only a few simple changes should be all that is needed to help most people handle a constipation-free lifestyle.
For more information about what a colonoscopy can do, contact a professional.