Whether they are diagnosed with dementia, Alzheimer's, or something else, having your loved one lose their memory can be heartbreaking. You care for them the best you can — probably initially by dropping into their own place and later by living in the same home as them. This is kind and noble, but it is difficult, and there often comes a point where they need more intensive care than what you can provide. A memory care center can provide that care. Here are some signs it's time for your loved one to enter a facility such as this.
Medications are not working like they once were.
In the early stages of dementia and Alzheimer's, the doctor will prescribe medication, and as long as your loved one takes it, they'll seem mostly like themselves. Then things get a little worse. They seem forgetful in spite of their medication, but it's manageable. Maybe the doctor increases the dose or adds a new medication to the regimen. At some point, however, the symptoms begin to be quite severe regardless of whether your loved one takes their medications or not. This is a sign that they're ready for medical care.
You're feeling burned out.
Caring for a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer's is exhausting. It's okay to admit this. Sometimes, you just need a break, and then you can get back at it. But when you're feeling run-down and exhausted even after brief breaks, it's time to let someone else care for your loved one. You deserve to feel fulfilled and independent, too. With someone else providing the daily care for your loved one, you can instead focus on having fun, enjoyable times when you visit.
They're starting to physically injure themselves or put themselves in danger.
When your loved one starts to put themselves and others at risk, it's time to look into a memory care facility. Maybe they're not allowed to use the stove, but they keep forgetting this fact and leaving it on, so you're afraid that they will start a fire. Perhaps they keep going for walks and getting lost across the neighborhood, or maybe they forget who you are and try to injure you, as if you were a burglar, when you come in the door. Memory care facilities are set up to be safer environments for these patients and for those who are around them.
Remember — memory care facilities exist for a reason. Having to put your loved one into one of these facilities does not mean you've failed them. It means you're making the best, most responsible decision for them and for yourself considering their illness.
To learn more, contact a memory care facility.