The dangers of COVID-19 are becoming more known every day, which is helping to improve treatments and boosting recovery times. However, many people may not realize that they are experiencing minor lung damage that could worsen as they age. As a result, they may need to get a full-body walk-in x-ray to spot symptoms of potential lung problems that may linger throughout after COVID-19 has passed.
COVID-19 Can Impact Lung Health
As the long-term effects of COVID-19 are becoming more well-known among the general population, it is becoming clear that lung damage is not an uncommon issue. Even people who don't have severe symptoms or who remain asymptomatic may suffer from some lung damage. However, the extent of this damage may be hard to gauge, which is a real issue for many different reasons.
First of all, even a small amount of lung damage can start rapidly spreading through a person's lungs and cause other problems. Pneumonia, various forms of breathing issues, pulmonary fibrosis, and much more may all result from this damage. Therefore, those who are worried about this long-term damage need to take the time to get a full-body walk-in x-ray scan to look for signs of potential lingering tissue death.
How a Full-Body Scan May Help
A full-body x-ray scan is a unique diagnostic tool that lets patients walk right into its scanning area and get a detailed look at the inside of the body. It uses a multi-angle scanning technique that looks for problems in many different areas of the body. As a result, it is easier for this tool to spot lung damage that other scanning tools may miss and provide some help for those who need it.
Typically, these machines require the patient to hold a position carefully for several seconds as they get scanned, such as holding their bodies erect and their backs straight. Often, the doctors can help them achieve this posture and make it easier for them to hold. During a scan, various protection tools are used to minimize x-ray exposure to areas of the body that don't need to be scanned yet.
Thankfully, a growing number of facilities possess these high-quality diagnostic tools and can use them to spot lung damage or any other issues in a person's body. By taking the time to fully understand the benefits of all of these treatments, it is possible for those with lung damage to track the potential worsening of their symptoms and ensure that they don't suffer any more problems as a result.
Contact a local medical center to learn more about walk-in x-ray machines.